“Did I believe in God? The answer was no. All my conventional beliefs fell off me like a big, sloppy, unnecessary overcoat, and my real self emerged.” …
Tony Randall
“I wish I believed I’d see my parents again, see my wife again. But I know it’s not going to happen.” …
Victor Hugo
“An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise.” …
Hemant Mehta
“At age fourteen I was asking questions. When the answers failed to satisfy me, I searched elsewhere for different answers and found wisdom in atheism.” …
Anthony Burgess
“I was brought up a Catholic, became an agnostic, flirted with Islam and now hold a position which may be termed Manichee. I believe the wrong God is temporarily ruling …
Joan Konner
“I see myself as a journalist if anything. I don’t call myself an agnostic but I do recognize that I will never know.” …
George Augustus Moore
“The mind petrifies if a circle be drawn around it, and it can hardly be denied that dogma draws a circle round the mind.” …
Grant Allen
“[T]he vast mass of existing gods or divine persons, when we come to analyze them, do actually turn out to be dead and deified human beings. … I believe that …
W.E.B. Du Bois
“My ‘morals’ were sound, even a bit puritanic, but when a hidebound old deacon inveighed against dancing I rebelled. By the time of graduation I was still a ‘believer’ in …