What does Priestley mean, by an unbeliever, when he applies it to you? How much did he unbelieve himself? Gibbon had it right when he denominated his Creed, ‘scanty.’ “ …
Carl Hiaasen
“For me, that’s church.” …
James Taylor
“I think God is the name of a question. God is not an existing thing. That’s what we’ve named an unknown.” ROLLING STONE: Does not having faith in a personal …
Edward Albee
“The result is a touching, humorous, and honest tribute to a woman who was a pioneer for free-thinking females everywhere, but also stood strongly on her own as one of …
Harry Harrison
“We atheists lead happy lives, never concerned with the-dying-and-burn forever-in-hell nonsense. We know better. We enjoy happiness with our friends and neighbors and ignore all the greed and rituals that …
Douglas Adams
“If you describe yourself as ‘Atheist,’ some people will say, ‘Don’t you mean “Agnostic?’ I have to reply that I really do mean Atheist. I really do not believe that …
John Rechy
“I dislike religion very much, Christianity in particular (especially Catholicism, which is what I was born into), and find it mean and dangerous — and hypocritical about sex.” …
H.L. Mencken (Quote)
“Sunday School: A prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents.” …
Óscar Isaac
“My dad was a man of extremes. And the way my mom was raised, she followed her husband. So if God spoke to my father one day and said we …