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November 9, 2022

FFRF condemns Iranian parliamentary vote to kill protesters

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is calling for an international outcry against Iran, whose Parliament on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to use the death penalty against protesters. The parliament voted by …

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November 9, 2022

FFRF awards $19,500 to Forward Freethought scholarship winners

FFRF has awarded $19,500 in First in the Family Humanist Forward Freethought scholarships to six students. The students were selected by Black Skeptics Los Angeles (BSLA), an African American humanist-atheist …

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November 9, 2022

FFRF cheers abortion access ballot victories

Abortion won big in yesterday’s elections, proving that abortion rights retain popular support. Abortion access received solid support in ballot measures in California, Montana, Michigan, Kentucky and Vermont. Michigan: Voters …

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November 8, 2022

FFRF awards $17,650 to 2022 grad student essay contest winners

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is proud to announce a total of $17,650 in award money for the 2022 Cornelius Vander Broek Graduate/Older Student Essay Competition. The Freedom From Religion …

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November 7, 2022

FFRF announces 2022 law student essay contest winners

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is delighted to make public the names of the three winners of the Diane and Stephen Uhl Essay Competition for Law School Students. FFRF paid …

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November 7, 2022

FFRF supports ballot measures to protect abortion rights and true religious freedom

  The Freedom From Religion Foundation is taking stances on Election Day referenda in more than a half-dozen states. FFRF considers abortion rights as a state/church issue, given that the …

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November 4, 2022

FFRF applauds survey showing strong support for keeping religion out of government

Most Americans support the constitutional separation between state and church, a new Pew Research study demonstrates. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is relieved to see robust backing for this uniquely …

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November 3, 2022

FFRF Sunday TV show spotlights play on nonbelievers ‘caught in the pulpit’ 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s “Freethought Matters” TV show this Sunday highlights a new off-Broadway play about disbelieving clergy that has gotten plaudits from The New York Times. “The Unbelieving,” …

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November 3, 2022

Don’t miss the off-Broadway play about unbelieving clergy

A new off-Broadway play about clergy who have stopped believing in God is currently playing in New York City accompanied by plaudits from the “paper of record.” The New York …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation