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July 17, 2023

FFRF opposes Christian nationalist curriculum in Colo. school district

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is strongly urging the Garfield Re-2 School Board in Rifle, Colo., to reject the Christian nationalist “American Birthright” standards currently under consideration that would radically …

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July 17, 2023

Peoria (Az.) school board member stops reading bible verses following FFRF complaint

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is pleased to report that a member of the Peoria (Ariz.) Unified School District governing board has agreed to stop reciting bible verses during meetings …

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July 14, 2023

FFRF: Leon Co. (Fla.) school district must ban bibles next

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is demanding that Leon County Schools must ban the bible due to its sexual and violent content after the school system has banned several books …

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July 14, 2023

FFRF requests apology from Dane County board supervisor for anti-atheist comments

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a national association of atheists and agnostics based in Madison, Wis., is requesting an apology from local Dane County Board Supervisor Jeff Weigand for recent …

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July 14, 2023

FFRF, Denver chapter billboard counters book bans

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is ardently defending free speech in the Mile High City. A 14-by-48-foot billboard proclaiming “Any book worth banning is a book worth reading” has just …

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July 12, 2023

FFRF to Target: Disregard the accusations of state AGs over pride collection

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is urging Target to disregard a letter from some state attorneys general falsely insisting its current pride collection violates laws protecting minors. In a July …

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July 11, 2023

FFRF urges S.C. school board to end prayer

  The Freedom From Religion Foundation is insisting that a South Carolina school system immediately end the practice of scheduling divisive prayers to open its meetings. FFRF has been informed …

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July 10, 2023

Delete religious resolution language, FFRF tells Wis. county board

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is insisting that a county board in Wisconsin remove inappropriate and divisive phrasing from a recently passed resolution. A concerned community member has informed the …

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July 7, 2023

FFRF challenges Arkansas Ten Commandments in today’s hearing

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is one of three sets of plaintiffs making the case today for removal of a Ten Commandments monolith from the grounds of the Arkansas Capitol …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation