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December 16, 2021

FFRF scores win over Iowa school district

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has stopped an Iowa public school coach from propagating a Christian message to his football players. FFRF had previously informed Pella Community School District that religious …

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December 15, 2021

FFRF applauds Wis. AG’s support of abortion rights

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is praising Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul for announcing that he would not prosecute anyone should a Supreme Court ruling activate Wisconsin’s law criminalizing abortion. …

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December 15, 2021

FFRF’s Winter Solstice display returns to San Diego

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is exhibiting a secular Winter Solstice display in San Diego this holiday season. A San Diego freethinker was initially prompted in previous years to install …

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December 15, 2021

FFRF spreads secular message at Milwaukee County Courthouse 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s secular sign is back in the Milwaukee County Courthouse for the season. FFRF has placed the message in the courthouse previously alongside devotional displays to …

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December 15, 2021

FFRF ad in New York Times celebrates Bill of Rights and warns of peril

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is placing a whimsical ad with an urgent message in Wednesday ’s New York Times to honor the 230th anniversary of the  ratification of the …

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December 14, 2021

No forced moment of silence in public schools, FFRF petitions Ohio Senate

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has submitted written testimony to the Ohio Senate in opposition to a bill mandating a public school moment of silence. SB 248 would impose a …

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December 14, 2021

FFRF members in Conn. continue to display freethinking banner

  The Freedom From Religion Foundation is continuing the “important town tradition of sharing freethought and humanist values with all residents of Shelton,” as FFRF member John Levin puts it. …

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December 14, 2021

Remove Christian slogan, FFRF insists to N.C. sheriff

A North Carolina sheriff’s office must take down a massive display of a devout New Testament slogan emblazoned on its wall, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is demanding. The Columbus …

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December 14, 2021

FFRF rebukes Toombs County, Ga., for praying coaches and football chaplain

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is yet again calling timeout on a Georgia school district for its multiple violations of the U.S. Constitution. A local community member has reported to …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation