FFRF in the News
This is a partial listing of recent media coverage or interviews of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
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Media Inquiries
Please phone the Freedom From Religion Foundation office at 608/256-8900 to speak directly with Foundation Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker or other staff here in Madison, Wis. We receive an especially heavy volume of e-mails and we don’t want to miss an inquiry, so please phone to set up an interview, especially if you are on deadline. We would be pleased to try to answer your questions, or accommodate your request.
Current Media Coverage
TUSD’s ‘faith-based advisory committee’ is ill-advised
Tucson Sentinel (Tucson, AZ)
By Chris Line
Watchdog group calls out Sanders’ “white Christian nationalist” views, assails education plan
Arkansas Times (Little Rock, AR)
By Griffin Coop
Wisconsin Elects Justice Likely to Vote Against State’s Abortion Restrictions
The Tablet
By Carol Zimmermann
Common Ground With… FFRF’s Annie Laurie Gaylor
Madison Commons (Madison, WI)
By Emily Kaysinger
Oklahoma eyes first US religious charter school after Supreme Court rulings
By John Kruzel
Real atheists are taking on fake Christians during Easter weekend in Phoenix
AZ Central (Phoenix, AZ)
By EJ Montani
Diocese responds after Wisconsin priest urges Catholics to vote against pro-abortion candidate
Catholic News Agency
By Jonah McKeown
Texas to take up bill requiring Ten Commandments in every public school classroom
The New Civil Rights Movement
By David Badash
‘Blatant electioneering’: Wisconsin group calls for IRS investigation into Cottage Grove church
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI)
By Alexander Shur