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After dissecting religion in politics (Fiorina: “people of faith make better leaders”) and reporting FFRF state/church victories in Minnesota and Indiana, we hear Etta James sing Randy Newman’s irreverent “God’s Song.” Then sociologist and author Ryan T. Cragun explains his new book: How To Defeat Religion in 10 Easy Steps.

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We love Paris, and detest religious terrorism. In The News: Governor Kasich calls for an agency to spread “Judeo-Christian values,” but American values are from the Enlightenment, not religion. Mormons are leaving the church over their gay-marriage stance. After hearing John Lennon’s “Imagine,” we talk with Fernando Alcántar, a Mexican immigrant who was converted by American missionaries, became a Christian leader, and then became a gay atheist activist. His new book is To The Cross and Back: An Immigrant’s Journey from Faith to Reason.


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After reporting an early FFRF holiday victory stopping a nativity scene from being placed in a Minnesota park, we discuss the recent study showing that nonreligious children are more altruistic and less punitive than religious children. We hear the trailer for the new movie Spotlight about the Boston Globe’s powerful investigation of the coverup of pedophile Catholic priests. Then we talk with Sarah Haider, one of the co-founders of Ex-Muslims of North America, who tells us what it is like to leave Islam and become an atheist.


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Portland, Oregon, public high-school students disallowed from participating in a religious Catholic Grotto performance. Gideon bibles removed from Northern Illinois University hotel rooms. We announce Brooke Mulder as the winner of FFRF’s “Nothing Fails Like Prayer” contest for her secular invocation before Glendale, Arizona, city council. Then we hear veteran Steven Hewett (introduced by veteran Steve Trunk) talk about his successful lawsuit to remove a Christian War Memorial from the city of King, North Carolina.


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Happy Halloween! Before hearing the song “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream” we announce state/church victories, lawsuits and complaints in Indiana, Arkansas, and Virginia, dealing with a nativity pageant, a city Facebook page, and praying coaches. We hear Anita Weier’s acceptance speech at the 38th annual convention for the “Freethought Heroine” award for getting atheism added as a protective class to city ordinances, and lead staff attorney Rebecca Markert recapping thousands of complaints and hundreds of victories by FFRF’s legal staff in 2015.


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In the news: FFRF complains about Christian crosses on a Kentucky city water tower and a Minnesota public hillside. Listen to a Texas sheriff tell FFRF to “go butt a stump,” after another sheriff told us to “go fly a kite” after we complained about “In God We Trust” on police vehicles. Annie Laurie recites Emily Dickinson’s ode to “Indian Summer” and Dan Barker sings “Beware of Dogma.” Then we hear excerpts of Ron Reagan’s FFRF speech accepting FFRF’s “Unabashed Atheist” award.


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FFRF unveils its northern “Atheists in Foxholes” monument and the first-ever “Atheist Marquee” at the national office in Madison, Wisconsin. We hear the welcoming remarks of Madison Mayor Paul Soglin at FFRF’s annual “Non-Prayer Breakfast” during our 38th annual convention. Then we listen to atheist Bangladeshi author and poet Taslima Nasrin talk about the fatwah and death threats she has been facing for decades because of her outspoken criticism of Islam.


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This week on Freethought Radio meet Lisa “Miller” Treu, FFRF’s Director of First Impressions as she guest host’s Freethought Radio. Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker will be busy with the 38th Annual Freedom From Religion Foundation’s National Convention at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Lisa will elaborate on her inspiration to becoming a freethinker, John Ono Lennon, who would’ve turned 75 this year on the same date (October 9th) that we will inaugurate the Grand Opening of the new Freethought Hall. This week Freethought Radio Rocks with the music of Freethinker John Lennon and thoughts from Lisa “Miller” Treu.


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After discussing the the pope’s disturbing private visit with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue gay marriage licenses, we examine the duplicity of government officials who place religious images in public buildings and put “In God We Trust” on police vehicles, claiming these acts are not religious while at the same time admitting they want to proselytize for Jesus. Then we talk with David Clohessy, National Director of SNAP (Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests) about his recent settlement with the diocese of Jefferson, Missouri over his own abuse by a priest in the early 1970s.


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Freedom From Religion Foundation