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Stand-up comic Leighann Lord gives us “Six things to argue about at Thanksgiving other than politics.” Aline Pham, 18, tells us about her winning high-school student essay. “Mrs. Betty Bowers” (Deven Green) recites her Thanksgiving prayer. Then we hear from Andrew Bradley, the co-creator and writer of the satirical series, “Mrs. Betty Bowers: America’s Best Christian,” who reminds us that the evangelical Christian nationalists are no joke.

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Kanye West should not be preaching in prisons. FFRF attorney Ryan Jayne explains how we successfully stopped public funding for churches and religious ministries. We report additional recent state/church victories in Wisconsin, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Then former minister and Christian apologist John Loftus, who is now an atheist, tells us about his newest book, The Case Against Miracles.

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It’s not even Thanksgiving, but the Christian warriors are already at it at the Wisconsin Assembly. We’ll tell you what’s wrong with their Thanksgiving “Bible Week” Resolution. FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor’s timely warning about the precarious state of abortion rights, under attack by organized religion, is making the news, along with FFRF’s new billboard on the same subject. FFRF Litigation Attorney Patrick Elliott talks about FFRF’s major court victory in Kentucky this week, protecting the free speech rights of atheist Ben Hart to say “IM God” on his license plate. Then we interview author and researcher Frederick Clarkson about his latest major exposé regarding Project Blitz, a not-so-stealthy campaign to impose Christian Nationalist legislation at the state level.

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We report on FFRF’s perfect score from Charity Navigator (and on the low score of the Catholic League, which is continuing its unfounded attacks on us). We play a shocking audio clip of prosperity evangelist Paula White, just promoted by Trump to a federally paid faith job at the White House, consecrating the White House for Jesus. We report that a federal employee was “Penced” for opposing the vice president’s raid of USAID funds to go to favored Christian groups. After reciting some egregious state/church violations our legal team is fighting, we interview Megan Phelps-Roper, granddaughter of Fred Phelps, and the author of a poignant new book, Unfollow: A Memoir of Loving and Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church.

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FFRF’s state/church and freethought billboards are generating a lot of interest in Tennessee. FFRF’s Steven Pinker TV ad is airing on “60 Minutes,” and the Catholic League is angry about our national ads. After hearing the song “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream” from “The Book of Mormon,” we listen to Nancy Northup, director of the Center For Reproductive Rights, accepting FFRF’s “Forward” Award and warning us to resist the scary Religious Right.

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Atheist books are now being burned! Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin and HUD Secretary Ben Carson are mixing religion and government. This week, we hear excerpts of the powerful and informative speeches — including two members of Congress, authors, activists, filmmakers, comedians and freethinking students — delivered at FFRF’s 42nd annual convention in Madison, Wis.

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FFRF’s Ron Reagan ad ran twice during the Democratic debate this week, and is really trending on social media and in the press. We push back against Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s egregious “Christian nationalist” speeches last week. Then we hear U.S. Representative Mark Pocan — a member of the Congressional Freethought Caucus — tell the shocking story that propelled him into activism.

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The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of FFRF’s victory over religion in West Virginia public schools. FFRF’s Director of Strategic Response Andrew Seidel explains why we have filed an ethics complaint over the Texas judge who gave a bible to convicted murderer Amber Guyger. Then we talk with Therrin Wilson, an atheist college student whose face is on FFRF’s billboard in Knoxville, Tenn., about how he overcame poverty, homelessness, and near-blindness to study to become an optometrist.

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In the week of the birthday anniversary of John Lennon, our program examines the concept of “Imagine no religion” from several angles. Freethought Radio features Congress’ lone “out” nonbeliever — U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, in a fascinating interview in which he talks about being an ex-Mormon, the inside story on congressional issues regarding separation of state and church, and why he founded the Congressional Freethought Caucus. The show also examines new developments in the rise of Hindu nationalism in India, during this birth week of Gandhi.

FFRF Director of Communications Amit Pal, an expert on the phenomenon, is interviewed briefly by solo host Annie Laurie Gaylor.  In the news segment, Freethought Radio excerpts TV news coverage of several major FFRF victories and recounts FFRF’s newest national complaint over the judge in the Amber Guyger trial forcing a bible on her and instructing which passages to read. We play a poignant version of “Imagine,” arranged by Native American composer Brent Michael Davids on flute, with Lenape tribe member and absentee host Dan Barker accompanying on piano. The show contains passages of music not only by Lennon, but by nonreligious classical composer Guiseppe Verdi, also born this week in history.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation