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A new national survey of 12,000 nonreligious individuals conducted by FFRF reveals that secular voters are “values voters.” After describing the new state/church billboard in Knoxville, Tenn., that was erected by FFRF and its East Tennessee chapter, we announce the winners of the first essay contest for secular students in Puerto Rico. Then we speak with Oxford professor David Nash about his new book, Acts Against God: A Brief History of Blasphemy.

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FFRF’s Senior Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott tells us about the lawsuit we filed today challenging the required “So help me, God” oath on Alabama’s voter registration forms. Then author, scholar and essayist Susan Jacoby joins us to explain the dangerous religiously dogmatic views of Amy Coney Barrett, the nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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We memorialize the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a champion of equality and state/church separation. FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel explains how we can fight for what is at stake. The Director of Black Nonbelievers of DC, Rogiérs, talks about how he went from worship leader to atheist activist and explains the speaker series “Legacy: The Story of Dissent Through the Years,” acknowledging the contribution of black freethinkers. Then Margaret Downey, founder and president of the Freethought Society, announces the “Secular Day of the Dead” celebration to be held on Nov. 1.

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We protest the imprisonment of a 13-yr-old Nigerian for blasphemy. We explain why we reported a priest, bishop and archbishop to the IRS for unconstitutional politicking. Then we honor the life and legacy of the distinguished freethinking humanist poet, scholar and author Philip Appleman who died this year at 94 years of age, by hearing his poignant interview on PBS’ “Bill Moyers Journal.”

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We hear from recipients of the Forward Freethought Scholarships for Black Skeptics, then we complain about a politicking priest saying “You cannot be a Catholic and vote Democratic.” After listening to Tom Lehrer’s “pandemic” song “I Got It From Agnes,” we talk with the actor, singer, game-show host and TV personality John Davidson about his long career in show business and about why he is an outspoken atheist.

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After we announce a major state/church victory in Puerto Rico, described by Eva Quiñones, Nigerian activist Leo Igwe tells us about the alarming arrest of humanist leader Mubarak Bala, allegedly for blasphemy. FFRF Legal Fellow Brendan Johnson describes state/church victories in Tennessee and Texas (one involving a school “prayer locker”). Then we talk with the founder and CEO of Public Religion Research Institute Robert P. Jones about his new book: White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity.

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For Women’s Equality Day, we talk with author and feminist activist Coline Jenkins, great-great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, about the new women’s statue she helped create and install in Central Park this week. Then we chat with author and screenwriter Chris Matheson, who co-wrote the movie “Bill and Ted Face The Music” which is released this week, and about his new irreverent book The Buddha’s Story.

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FFRF is winning state/church victories in many states. We celebrate Women’s Equality Day on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment by hearing Judy Collins sing the suffragist anthem “Bread and Roses.” Then, FFRF Senior Litigation Counsel Patrick Elliott describes the friend-of-the-court brief we submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting Philadelphia’s right to deny public funding to contractors who discriminate on religious grounds.

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Dallas megapastor Robert Jeffress attacks FFRF on Fox. Nancy Pelosi calls for prayer. Ventura, Calif., proposes removing religious bigot Junipero Serra from its seal. After hearing James Taylor’s freethinking song “Up From Your Life,” we talk with Andrew Whitehead, co-author of the book (with Samuel Perry) Taking America Back For God, about how Christian Nationalists react differently to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation