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Christian nationalism and Roman Catholic greed are the themes for the first half of the show. We talk about Jeep’s religiously divisive Super Bowl ad and the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, accused of inciting Christian Nationalists to carry out the Jan. 6 insurrection. We hear talk show host Bill Maher’s takedown of the religious extremists who stormed the Capitol. Then we speak with British author Rachel Holmes about her new biography of the early 20th-century feminist, atheist, activist and reformer, Sylvia Pankhurst: Natural Born Rebel.

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We call on the Wisconsin attorney general to launch an investigation into the widespread sexual abuse of children by the Catholic Church. FFRF attorney Ryan Jayne tells us the tragic story of an abuse victim who recently committed suicide when the church abandoned him. Then we hear the humorous and irreverent “Noah” by poet and Darwin scholar Philip Appleman, read by Philip and his wife Marjorie.

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Christian Nationalists were among the insurrectionists on Jan. 6, but they were also among dozens of members of Congress who voted against certification. Mandisa Thomas of Black Nonbelievers tells us why her group is opposing Rep. James Clyburn’s proposal for a National Hymn. Then we speak with Sasha Sagan, daughter of Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, about her book For Small Creatures Such As We: Rituals For Finding Meaning in Our Unlikely World.

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We talk about the three “I” words in the news: insurrection, impeachment and inauguration. We hear part of Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem, “The Hill I Climb,” freethinker John Legend’s Inauguration-Day performance of “Feeling Good,” and Sharon Jones’ rendition of “This Land Is Your Land.” FFRF attorney Patrick Elliott describes our newest lawsuit challenging a discriminatory Trump administration regulation. Then U.S. Representative Jared Huffman, co-founder of the Congressional Freethought Caucus, joins us to describe his experience during the insurrection, the impeachment of Trump and the Inauguration of President Biden.

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Religion played a huge part in the Jan. 6 insurrection at our national Capitol. We denounce Christian Nationalist members of government who participated in the riot, and hear Congressional Freethought Caucus Reps. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Jared Huffman, D-Calif., give impassioned remarks at the impeachment hearings. Then we speak with 10-yr-old Elle Harris, author of the charming new book, Elle The Humanist.

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After discussing the Christian Nationalist roots of the insurrection at the national Capitol on Jan. 6, and calling for President Trump’s impeachment, we listen to Rep. Jamie Raskin’s eloquent plea for the passage of Resolution 512 calling for an end to blasphemy laws. Then we speak with FFRF’s Director of Governmental Affairs Mark Dann, who explains why there is optimism for the freethought, science, equality and state/church agendas with the incoming administration and new Congress.

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We celebrate the new year by saying farewell to the disastrous 2020. We play some comfort music and protest music by freethinking songwriters, performed (mostly) by freethinking singers. We hear Irving Berlin, George and Ira Gershwin, Yip Harburg, Jerome Kern, Stephen Sondheim, and more — performed by Tom Lehrer, Linda Ronstadt, Joni Mitchell, Pete Seeger, Nina Simone, Elton John, James Taylor, Cher, Dan Barker and Shelley Segal.

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This week we present a musical medley of irreverent and celebratory secular holiday songs by Tom Lehrer, Tim Minchin, Roy Zimmerman, Dan Barker, Tahira Clayton, Addison Frei, Brent Michael Davids, Steven Phelps, Ken Lonnquist, and the London Humanist Choir; and we hear agnostic orator Robert Ingersoll’s 1897 recitation of “What I Want For Christmas.”

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FFRF attorney Liz Cavell describes FFRF’s alarming new report: “Religious liberty under threat: The Christian Nationalist capture of the federal judiciary.” After we hear Kristin Lems’ seasonal song “Solstice Time” and Dan Barker’s ballad “Solstice Tribute,” Michigan activist Doug Marshall tells us about the equal-time “Keep Saturn in Saturnalia” banner in Warren, Mich., that was vandalized and stolen.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation