FFRF’s Legislative Team is a squad that encapsulates FFRF’s two main purposes: to educate the public and keep state and church separate. It’s a bit of a renaissance team, but …
Mickey Dollens
Mickey Dollens is the Regional Government Affairs Manager at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, where he fights to uphold church-state separation and protect religious freedom for all. Dollens has a …
Daniel Dossey
Daniel Dossey graduated summa cum laude from Abilene Christian University in May 2023 with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Biblical Studies. Growing up in Texas, Daniel gained …
Kyle Steinberg
Kyle joined FFRF as the Anne Nicol Gaylor Legal Fellow in September 2024. He grew up in the Twin Cities suburbs and graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2020 …
Sara Tetzloff
Sara has a BA in Journalism and Strategic Communications from UW-Madison and an MBA from UW-Whitewater. She’s looking forward to working for a cause she strongly supports. Sara brings a …
Ryan Jayne
RYAN JAYNE is Senior Policy Counsel at FFRF. He received a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Honors College in 2007. After graduating, Ryan taught piano and chess …
Annie Laurie Gaylor
ANNIE LAURIE GAYLOR, co-president, was also editor of Freethought Today from 1984 to 2009, when she became executive editor. The paper is published 10 times a year. Her book, Woe To The Women: …
Dan Barker
DAN BARKER is co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. A former minister and evangelist, Dan became a freethinker in 1983. His books, Just Pretend: A Freethought Book for Children and Losing …
Bella Benoy
Bella graduated from Middle Tennessee University with a bachelor’s degree in Communications. She moved here from Nashville, TN. She has a lot of family and relatives who live here in …