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What Do You Really Know About the Bible?

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What is the last of the Ten Commandments?

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What is the penalty for working on the Sabbath?

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What is God's name?

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How should parents treat a stubborn and rebellious son?

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What happens if you are not a virgin on your wedding night?

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What does the Bible say about witches?

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Which of these foods does the bible expressly permit you to eat? (The others are "abominations".)

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When the Israelites conquered the Midianites, what part of the spoils of war was given to the priest as "the Lord's tribute"?

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What is the origin of the "mighty men" giants known as nephilim?

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What happened to Korah and his family, Israelites who thought they could talk directly with God without a human intermediary?

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According to the bible, who created evil?

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According to the bible, what is God not able to do?

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According to the bible, where does God live?

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According to the bible, what is a bat?

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According to biblical anatomy, where does thinking happen?

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How did Gideon demonstrate his family values?

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After Jephthah was victorious in battle, what sacrifice did he burn on the altar, as he had vowed to the Lord?

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What price did David pay King Saul for his first wife?

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How many regular sexual partners did King Solomon have?

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What happened to 42 little children who teased God's prophet Elisha for being bald and he cursed them in the name of the Lord?

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What reason did God give for tormenting Job?

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According to the bible, what does Satan look like?

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How does the biblical god treat haughty women?

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In dollars (shekels), how much is a woman worth?

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What happens if a man rapes an engaged virgin in the city, and no one hears anything?

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What is the Mosaic Law punishment for being handicapped?

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According to the bible, when may a husband have sex with his wife?

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How should you feel when you dash babies against the rocks?

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How many human generations were there before Jesus?

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What Christmas tradition is expressly forbidden in the bible?

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According to Jesus, what must you do to have eternal life?

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According to Jesus, how should Christian disciples treat their parents?

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According to Jesus, how should slaves be treated?

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What did Jesus say about peace?

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Which one of these phrases did Jesus not say about witnessing?

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What personal sacrifice for "the kingdom of heaven" was Jesus talking about when he told his disciples, "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it"?

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According to New Testament medical advice, what should you do if you are sick?

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What does Paul prohibit a woman from wearing in church?

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According to Paul, what is the role of women in the church?

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What does Paul say about marriage?

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Paul forbids divorce, but Jesus allows it under one circumstance. What is that circumstance?

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What group of people will make it into the heavenly choir?

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Which one of these words is in the bible?

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Where does the bible say that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights?

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Should Christians allow nonbelievers into their homes?

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Should Christian men kiss each other?

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Should Christians always give what they have to anyone who asks for it?

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Do the Ten Commandments prohibit incest or rape?

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If you lose a lawsuit, should you pay exactly what the court decides?

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Can Christians ask their boss for a raise?

Freedom From Religion Foundation