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FFRF staff will miss Bonnie

Pictured on her last day of work in May is Bonnie Gutsch (center, olive green jacket). Bonnie is going back to school to become a physician. As an executive assistant, Bonnie wrote Action Alerts, worked with FFRF attorneys and members on many matters, and did website updates. She monitored Crank Mail, helped with Freethought Today, updated Facebook and Twitter, wrote many new entries for Freethought of the Day ( — a compilation of famous freethinkers ­— and conjured up lots and lots of PR for FFRF actions.
Bonnie is pictured with (left, back) Office Manager Jackie Douglas, Attorney Stephanie Schmitt, Freethought Today Editor Bill Dunn, Bonnie, Office Assistant Melanie Knier, Webmaster Scott Colson, Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott, (front) Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor and Bookkeeper/Executive Assistant Katie Daniel. (FFRF Co-President Dan Barker took the photo. Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert was absent.) Our warmest thanks to Bonnie for two years of productive, dedicated work and for being a delight to work with.

Freedom From Religion Foundation