The following ad, graciously recorded for FFRF by Julia Sweeney, will run for 3 months during the “Al Franken Show,” beginning April 3: “Hi, this is Julia Sweeney. In my new play, Letting Go of God, I come out clearly as an atheist, absolutely committed to keeping church and state separate. Won’t you join me and the Freedom From Religion Foundation in waking up America to the growing dangers of theocracy? Phone 1-800-335-4021, or visit the Freedom From Religion Foundation at” |
Paid “Voice Endorsements”These or similar spots will air for 3 months during the hosts’ respective radio shows: “Hello, this is Janeane Garofalo. Are you tired of right-wing politicians who desperately want to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us? I know I am! That’s why I’m asking you to support the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Join the fight and call the Freedom From Religion Foundation toll-free at 1-800-335-4021. Or visit the Freedom From Religion Foundation website at Proud to be an atheist! Janeane Garofalo.” |
“Hi, I’m Laura Flanders. Are you as alarmed as I am about the religious right’s assault on our secular government and private lives? That’s why I’m glad to see the Freedom From Religion Foundation taking the lead in challenging the faith-based initiative. Please join me, Laura Flanders, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation in waking up the USA to the dangers of theocracy. To fight back, call toll-free 800-335-4021. Or visit” |
“Hey Truthseekers, Mike Malloy here. Are you as alarmed as I am by the assault on our freedoms by the religious right? An essential element of freedom is the right to choose or reject religious beliefs. This is why I fully support the Freedom From Religion Foundation as it takes the lead in challenging the growing threat from the religious right in the United States. If you’d like further information on the dangers of living in a theocracy, please call 800-335-4021. Or visit their website,” |
April 4, 2006