Please join FFRF in taking a moment right now to pressure Idaho Gov. Brad Little to veto the draconian abortion ban just passed by the Idaho legislature. It’s a copycat of Texas’ SB8, which bans abortion at six weeks (before most women realize they are pregnant) and deputizes individuals to sue anyone who “aids or abets” in such an abortion.
We secular Americans who value reproductive freedom and the separation between religion and government need to do more than wring our hands over the tsunami of anti-liberty state legislation being passed. Join FFRF, organizations and individuals who are threatening a boycott of Idaho potatoes — Idaho’s biggest cash drop — unless Little vetoes this bill.
FFRF is asking you to tell Gov. Brad Little you will boycott Idaho potatoes unless he vetoes this bad bill.
Please take a minute right now, before Little has a chance to sign this bill into law, to use FFRF’s handy automated action alert system to send a message to Little.
Read FFRF’s full statement here.
Feel free to edit or change talking points as needed.
If you have not previously signed up for action alerts using FFRF’s new system, which debuted Feb. 3, 2022, there is a one-time requirement to fill in your name, email and full address. Then our system will remember you and connect you to the correct governmental offices. (If you move addresses, please update this information accordingly.)