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Ask your state senator to push back on restrictive education!

Indiana House Bill 1134 would prohibit schools from suggesting students should feel any “discomfort” on account of their race, with the purpose of stopping discussion about white privilege or racism.

It would also require schools to post every material used in every lesson, delineated by the teacher, on the school’s website. This includes not only textbooks but also every internet video, lesson packet, PowerPoint presentation, etc. This would be a massive burden on already overworked teachers and would invite parents to sift through the voluminous material to complain about something they think might make their child feel “uncomfortable,” whitewashing curricula and chilling teacher speech.

These restrictions will impose a huge burden on teachers and leave children with a narrow education aimed at preserving the white Christian status quo. The bill should not be allowed to pass. 

Please take a moment to write to your state senator and urge a “no” vote on HB 1134.

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Click on “Take Action” to FFRF’s new Action Center. Once you sign in, click “Ask your state senator to push back on restrictive education!” on the left.

Talking Points

As your secular constituent, I’m concerned about HB 1134 and its effects on comprehensive education. This bill would be a massive burden for already overworked teachers and would interfere with their ability to deliver factual, evidence-based lessons to students. Actual Critical Race Theory is not being taught in Indiana public schools, and this bill is a thinly veiled attempt to ban real critical thinking. 



Freedom From Religion Foundation