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Celebrate National Coming Out Day

Join FFRF’s Out of the Closet
Virtual Billboard Campaign

Out Generic

At the Freedom From Religion Foundation, we consider every day a “coming out day” for freethought! But this Saturday, March 23, has been declared an international “Coming Out Day” for atheists and other nonbelievers, and we’d like to invite you to take part in an amazing campaign. It is fun, creative and takes about a minute to participate. (See below.)

The nonreligious form a significant segment of the world population, including at least one in four U.S. citizens. But many Americans have never knowingly met a nonbeliever. You can dispel myths, educate and promote reason by adding your voice, face and message to FFRF’s “friendly neighborhood freethinker” campaign. Proclaim you’re an atheist, a skeptic, an agnostic, a humanist or freethinker — and why. It’s working for the gay rights movement. Now it’s time for atheists and agnostics to come out of our closet. Many faces make Enlightenment work.

Once your “virtual billboard” is approved by FFRF, you may post and tweet it. Our app even lets you use it as your Facebook or Twitter image or even as your Facebook and Twitter banners. If your “virtual billboard” is chosen as a staff “pick of the week,” FFRF will feature your billboard on Facebook and Twitter, and mail your prize — FFRF’s popular “Out of the Closet Atheist” cap (only U.S. residents eligible). 

Declare and share your nonbelief on Saturday and on every day. If you’ve already participated, you can create a new message or look over the inspiring webpage after webpage of “out of the closet” contributions. Click for details:

P.S. We also offer a devilishly enjoyable digital billboard opportunity featuring the slogan “unabashed atheist [or appellation of your choice], not afraid of burning in hell.” 

Dan Out Billboard 

Out Annie Laurie

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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