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Gaylor on military panel at Democracy Convention

FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor is a participant in a panel discussion on the military that's part of the five-day Democracy Convention in Madison, Wis., home base for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The Aug. 24-28 convention features more than 1,000 participants, 250 sessions, 200 presenters, and nine separate conferences. The overall goal is "to strengthen democracy where it matters most — in our communities, our schools, our workplaces and local economies, military, government, media, constitution," says the convention's website. It's a project of the Liberty Tree Foundation.

Gaylor will take park in a panel titled "Join the Military; Say Goodbye to Your Rights." Topics include are enlistment/recruitment contracts, military service and immigrants, workers’ rights, hazardous conditions, Department of Defense immunity from lawsuits, forced medical experimentation, stop-loss, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," nonjudicial punishment, religious proselytizing (particularly by Christians), restrictions on conscientious objector status for atheists, and more.

"I'm going to talk about the status of the 'atheist in the foxhole,' the many complaints FFRF gets about military proselytizing and all the recent religious scandals afflicting the Pentagon," Gaylor said.

Her panel is from 9-10:30 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 25, at Madison College (MATC-Downtown Campus), 211 N. Carroll St.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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