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Missouri school district urged to end access by evangelicals

Youth ministers in the Branson, Mo., area have been allowed admittance to several public schools, and FFRF is trying to get it to stop.

KLIFE, which describes itself as a “Christian ministry to area youth,” is one evangelical group that visited students. Its website proclaims that the “heartbeat of KLIFE lies in the ability to build relationships with kids and bring the content of God’s word to bear on those relationships.”

A video circulated on social media that appears to show the local KLIFE chapter director, Pastor Robert Bruce, at Hollister Middle School leading all the students in prayer.
Reportedly, adults led similar prayers several times previously during the preceding week.

“It is well settled as a matter of established law that public schools may not advance, prefer or promote religion,” says FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott. “It is unconstitutional for a public school to allow an evangelical Christian organization to impose prayer on all students.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation