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Meet a Pragmatic Staffer: Lisa Strand

Name: Lisa Strand.

Where and when I was born: I was born and raised in Wisconsin, sometime before the Summer of Love, but not so much before as to have enjoyed it.

Education: I have a B.A. in political science from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. 

Family: My husband and I have been married for nearly 17 years, and we have an 11-year-old daughter.  Therefore, we also have two cats and a guinea pig, and we’re lobbied regularly for a puppy.

My previous job responsibilities were: I’ve been in not-for-profit (association) management for about 25 years, including serving for 15 years as executive director of the Wisconsin Library Association. I’ve also served in volunteer leadership roles for several nonprofit organizations. 

It was hard to leave WLA (librarians are more fun than you can imagine), but I was looking for a new challenge, and I’m so glad for the opportunity at FFRF.

What I do at FFRF: As the newest staff member, I’m still learning and developing my role as director of operations. In a nutshell, I’ll be taking on a lot of the day-to-day management of the office so that Annie Laurie and Dan can be freed for more strategic duties that will further FFRF’s mission.

What I like best about it here: The people! Annie Laurie and Dan and the entire staff here are just great — so knowledgeable and professional. I had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with each of my co-workers during my first two weeks here, and they made me feel so welcomed. They have continued to help me learn the ropes with great patience.

I spend a lot of time thinking about: The pragmatic, rather than the philosophical. 

I spend no time thinking about: Eternal damnation. 

My religious upbringing was: In a rural, Norwegian Lutheran church, complete with annual lutefisk suppers and basement church ladies. 

My doubts about religion started: I was probably about 13 when I thought it seemed very unlikely that, say, rural Chinese would have the “benefit” of learning about Christ and why should they be punished with hell? 

Things I like: Gardening, household projects, work, fun with my family, animals, knitting, reading, being outside.

Things I smite: I have many pet peeves, but I don’t smite much.

Freedom From Religion Foundation