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Meet a multitalented volunteer: Steve Salemson

Name: Steve Salemson.

Where I live: In a condo on Madison’s southwest side.

Where and when I was born: Louisville, Ky., in 1943.

Family: One younger sister, two sons and daughters-in-law, three delightful grandchildren.

Why I volunteer for FFRF: I want to support the organization in addition to simply being a dues-paying member.

What I do as a volunteer: Help around the office with anything that needs doing.

What I like best about it: The fascinating people who work there.

My day job was: Associate director of the University of Wisconsin Press (now happily retired).

Education: Four years of music studies at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, playing French horn in the Haifa Symphony Orchestra, B.A. in linguistics from Queens College (City University of New York), M.A. in liberal studies from Duke University.

These three words sum me up: Inquisitive, broad-minded, multilingual (fluent in English, French and Hebrew, somewhat less fluent in Macedonian and conversant in German, Spanish and Italian).

My freethought heroes are: Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Joe Hill.

Things I like: Balkan folk dancing, biking, downhill skiing, Paul Robeson recordings, the Green Bay Packers, Schubert lieder and Mahler symphonies, doing The New York Times crossword puzzle every day, and almost any ethnic cuisine.

Things I smite: Xenophobes, cockroaches, the New York Yankees.

Freedom From Religion Foundation