Warmly wishing you a superb Solstice and secular New Year are the staff and volunteers of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, pictured by FFRF’s traditional Winter Solstice motto on a banner at the Wisconsin Capitol. (To see FFRF’s official Capitol sign, up for the month of December, turn to the back page.) FFRF staffers are smiling despite being in the thick of the annual “War on the Constitution.” The motto was coined to challenge the encroachments of nativity scenes and religion on public property in December.
From left are Patrick Elliott, attorney; Andrew Seidel, attorney; Dan Barker, co-president; Scott Carney, volunteer; Jackie Douglas, office manager; Scott Colson, webmaster; Katie Daniel, bookkeeper/executive assistant; Katie Stenz, publicist; Bill Dunn, editor; Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president; Charlotte Stein, office staff; Phyllis Rose and Wendy Goldberg, volunteers and FFRF officers; Stephanie Schmitt, attorney; and Melanie Knier, office staffer. (Not pictured: Rebecca Markert, senior staff attorney, on maternity leave; and several legal interns and part-time student staffers.)