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“Beware of Dogma” CD Issued

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is debuting an energetic new musical CD, “Beware of Dogma,” produced by staff musician Dan Barker, which features 16 songs.

The professionally-produced CD, with instrumental and vocal accompaniments, includes several new songs by Dan, an accomplished pianist: the tango “Beware of Dogma,” the country ballad, “None of the Above,” and “My Father’s House” (rock).

Topical crowd-pleasing favorites from Dan and Steve Benson’s “Tunes ‘n ‘Toons” revue include the Mormon-tweaking “Salt Lake City Blues,” the disco “YBSA” about Boy Scout discrimination, and “God-Less America.”

Mark Twain’s classic “War Prayer” is poignantly set to music.

Irving Berlin’s little-known but rollicking “Pack Up Your Sins and Go to the Devil” is reprised by Dan (as an antidote to Berlin’s “God Bless America”).

Making a cameo appearance on the CD is Michael Newdow. The “under God” challenger cleverly strung together hate calls left by Christians on his answering machine into a hilarious song.

A memorable bonus is the inclusion of a reading by poet Philip Appleman and his wife Marjorie, excerpting Philip’s unforgettable poem “Noah” from his acclaimed “Let There Be Light” series.

A special treat is “Fleas,” Dan’s rendition of Philip Appleman’s trenchant poem using the traditional music to “Trees.” Dan also put to music Philip’s lyrical poem, “Summers of Love.”

Dan’s other recordings include Lennon’s “Imagine,” Bob Dylan’s “With God on Our Side,” Holly Near’s “I Ain’t Afraid,” and Pete Seeger’s “Old Time Religion” (with additions).

Dan has previously recorded three musical cassettes for the Foundation and the 2-CD “Friendly Neighborhood Atheist.”

The irreverent “Beware of Dogma,” with something for everyone, sells for $15 postpaid, and will be available May 1.

Freedom From Religion Foundation