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Ratzinger Headed Latter Day “Inquisition”

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, chosen by Catholic cardinals to be the new pope, served as director of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, known until 1908 as the Sacred Congregation for the Universal Inquisition,” also called the church’s “border patrol.”

Ratzinger, a member of Hitler Youth during WWII (much is made of his desertion in May 1945), is nicknamed “God’s Rottweiler” because of his role in clamping down on dissent.

Ratzinger, who is calling himself “Pope Benedict XVI,” in particular went after theological dissent at Catholic colleges, most famously forcing out Rev. Charles Curran from Catholic University of America for leniency on birth control.

Ratzinger opposed liberation theology. He led the campaign last year against U.S. Catholic politicians, such as presidential contender John Kerry, who differ from Catholic doctrine. A week after Bush personally met with the pope in June, 2004, complaining “Not all the American bishops are with me,” Ratzinger sent a letter to all U.S. bishops saying anyone who supported abortion, but especially Catholic politicians, should be denied Catholic sacraments and were guilty of “grave sin.”

He said Catholic voters who supported Kerry and other liberal Catholics would be guilty of “cooperating in evil.” A “pastoral letter,” reminding Catholics of this, was read from the pulpit before the election. A majority of Catholics, who typically vote Democrat, obediently voted for the GOP slate on Nov. 2.

Ratzinger was also responsible for reviewing priest sexual abuse cases, which the Vatican has attempted to sweep under its rug:

“. . . I am personally convinced that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the United States, is a planned campaign. . .” He insisted only 1% of Catholic priests have been accused of pedophilia while the U.S. Catholic Church’s own figure is at 4%, and other church reformers estimate 6%.

During pre-conclave remarks, Ratzinger deplored moral relativism, “aggressive secularism” and “numerous ideological currents.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation