Membership Application

Join via mail (print pdf form)

If you already have an active membership, you may renew your membership here.
Otherwise, please fill out the form below to become a member.

For international rates that include mailed delivery of the newspaper, print pdf form.

Annual membership supports FFRF's hard-working office and our educational and legal work. It includes Ten issues a year of Freethought Today newspaper fully reporting on FFRF actions and news, as well as "Private Line" (a twice-yearly insider report on the Foundation) and an opportunity to join a local chapter of FFRF if there is a chapter in your area. Members may vote at the annual convention. All dues and donations are deductible for income-tax purposes. Life, Afterlife, and Beyond Afterlife memberships are for individuals who wish to support FFRF for a lifetime (no renewal notices). Gift memberships for individuals outside of the United States are available at the U.S. domestic rate as digital-only memberships: FFRF’s newspaper, Freethought Today, and other materials will be emailed. Delivery of materials via U.S.P.S outside of the U.S. requires additional costs to cover postage. Rates are available here.

Any membership level from $50 - $500 may count for 2 members, provided both members live at the same household and we have current information for both individuals. When joining at these levels you will be asked to add or edit an additional household on the next screen.


International members without a postal code, please call FFRF for assistance in processing your credit card transaction: 1-608-256-8900 weekdays, 9AM-5PM Central.

Communication Preferences

Please select your mailing preferences. Please select email for one of your household members to avoid duplicate print mailings.