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August 18, 1980

Robert Redford

PLAYBOY: Do you believe in an afterlife?
REDFORD: I'm not sure I do. I've explored every religion, some very deeply, enough to know there's not one philosophy that can satisfy me. Problems can't be solved with one way of thinking. If anything is my guide, nature is. That's where my spirituality is. I don't believe in organized religion, because I don't believe people should be organized in how they think, in what they believe. That has never been driven home as hard as with the [Bush] administration. When somebody thinks God speaks to him, you've got trouble. If God is speaking to the president, he's speaking with a forked tongue, because the behavior of this administration doesn't seem very godlike or spiritual. ... Is there an afterlife? As far as I know, this is it. It's all we’ve got. You take your opportunities and you go for it.

Published in Freethought of the Day

"... I’m not so confident to say that I’m an atheist, so I’d prefer to say I’m an agnostic."

Published in Freethought of the Day

"I believe that life should be lived so vividly and so intensely that thoughts of another life, or of a longer life, are not necessary."

Published in Freethought of the Day
January 29, 1980

Edward Paul Abbey

"Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues."

Published in Freethought of the Day
January 11, 1980

Aldo Leopold

"He thought organized religion was all right for many people, but did not partake of it himself."

Published in Freethought of the Day