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December 25, 1980

Leo Pfeffer

"I believe that the history of the First Amendment and also the Constitution itself, which forbids religious tests for public office, have testified to the healthful endurance of a principle which is the greatest treasure the United States has given the world: the principle of complete separation of church and state. I'm here to tell you that that principle is endangered today. ”

Published in Freethought of the Day
December 07, 1980

Noam Chomsky

“I am a child of the Enlightenment. I think irrational belief is a dangerous phenomenon, and I try to consciously avoid irrational belief.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
November 18, 1980

Pierre Bayle

“It is pure illusion to think that an opinion which passes down from century to century to century, from generation to generation, may not be entirely false.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
October 25, 1980

Alexander Buchner

"Before [his brother Ludwig's book] "Force and Matter" what did the world at large know then of the first achievements of science? The vast majority were sunk in their blind faith in authority and the Bible."

Published in Freethought of the Day
October 08, 1980

Hector Avalos

"One thing led to another, and I realized that I did not believe in Christianity or that the Bible was the word of God, or that the Bible had any kind of divine origin."

Published in Freethought of the Day
September 18, 1980

Steven Pinker

"I was never religious in the theological sense. I never outgrew my conversion to atheist at 13."

Published in Honorary Board
August 28, 1980

C. Wright Mills

“[A]re not all the television Christians in reality armchair atheists? In value and in reality they live without the God they profess; despite ten million Bibles sold each year, they are religiously illiterate.”

“According to your belief [Christian clergy], my kind of man — secular, prideful, agnostic and all the rest of it — is among the damned. I'm on my own. You've got your God.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
August 24, 1980

Howard Zinn

"If I was promised that we could sit with Marx in some great Deli Haus in the hereafter, I might believe in it! Sure, I find inspiration in Jewish stories of hope, also in the Christian pacifism of the Berrigans, also in Taoism and Buddhism. I identify as a Jew, but not on religious grounds. Yes, I believe, as Pascal said, 'The heart has its reasons which reason cannot know.' There are limits to reason. There is mystery, there is passion, there is something spiritual in the arts — but it is not connected to Judaism or any other religion."

Published in Freethought of the Day
July 24, 1980

Vern Bullough

“[Vern Bullough] will be sorely missed as one of the leading secular humanists in North America and the world.” 

Published in Freethought of the Day
July 23, 1980

Alfred "Dilly" Knox

At King's College, Knox became the only confirmed atheist in his family. "According to his niece [biographer Penelope Fitzgerald], Dilly became convinced that Christianity was a two-thousand-year-old swindle eliciting false fears and hopes in believers."

Published in Freethought of the Day
June 28, 1980

Paul Broca

“[Religion is] nothing more than a type of submission to authority.” 

Published in Freethought of the Day
May 14, 1980

Erwin Chemerinsky

"The thesis of my remarks is a simple one: Now more than ever, we need the Freedom From Religion Foundation. In 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court held that the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment applies to state and local governments. All nine justices believed that the Establishment Clause was meant to create a wall that separates church and state. Now for the first time since 1947, a majority of the court rejects that notion. We have a Supreme Court that is hostile toward freedom from religion."

Published in Freethought of the Day
May 03, 1980

Steven Weinberg

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

Published in Freethought of the Day
May 02, 1980

Anthony B. Pinn

"For me the title is a way of capturing the decline and eventual death of a concept — God — that had been important to me for years. I wanted the title to reflect my transition from theism to nontheistic humanism through my push away from God — God being the central category of my religious youth."

Published in Freethought of the Day
April 27, 1980

Herbert Spencer

“Religion has been compelled by science to give up one after another of its dogmas, of those assumed cognitions which it could not substantiate.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
April 21, 1980

Clémence Royer

“Yes, I believe in revelation, but a permanent revelation of man to himself and by himself, a rational revelation that is nothing but the result of the progress of science and of the contemporary conscience, a revelation that is always only partial and relative and that is effectuated by the acquisition of new truths and even more by the elimination of ancient errors.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
April 15, 1980

Thomas Szasz

"If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia."

Published in Freethought of the Day
April 15, 1980

Emile Durkheim

“Religious force is nothing other than the collective and anonymous force of the clan.”

Published in Freethought of the Day
March 09, 1980

PZ Myers

“What I want to happen to religion in the future is this: I want it to be like bowling. It's a hobby, something some people will enjoy, that has some virtues to it, that will have its own institutions and its traditions and its own television programming, and that families will enjoy together. It's not something I want to ban or that should affect hiring and firing decisions, or that interferes with public policy. It will be perfectly harmless as long as we don't elect our politicians on the basis of their bowling score, or go to war with people who play nine-pin instead of ten-pin, or use folklore about backspin to make decrees about how biology works.”

Published in Freethought of the Day

LUKE FORD: "Tell me about you and God."
REBECCA GOLDSTEIN: "I lived Orthodox for a long time. ... I was torn like a character in a Russian novel. It lasted through college. I remember leaving a class on mysticism in tears because I had forsaken God. That was probably my last burst of religious passion. Then it went away and I was a happy little atheist."

Published in Freethought of the Day
February 08, 1980

Philip Appleman

O Karma, Dharma, Pudding and Pie

O Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie,
gimme a break before I die:
grant me wisdom, will, & wit,
purity, probity, pluck, & grit.
Trustworthy, helpful, friendly, kind,
gimme great abs and a steel-trap mind,
and forgive, Ye Gods, some humble advice —
these little blessings would suffice
to beget an earthly paradise:
make the bad people good —
and the good people nice;
and before our world goes over the brink,
teach the believers how to think.

—Appleman, from "Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie" (2009)

Last-Minute Message for a Time Capsule

I have to tell you this, whoever you are:
that on one summer morning here, the ocean
pounded in on tumbledown breakers,
a south wind, bustling along the shore,
whipped the froth into little rainbows,
and a reckless gull swept down the beach
as if to fly were everything it needed.
I thought of your hovering saucers,
looking for clues, and I wanted to write this down,
so it wouldn't be lost forever —
that once upon a time we had
meadows here, and astonishing things,
swans and frogs and luna moths
and blue skies that could stagger your heart.
We could have had them still,
and welcomed you to earth, but
we also had the righteous ones
who worshipped the True Faith, and Holy War.
When you go home to your shining galaxy,
say that what you learned
from this dead and barren place is
to beware the righteous ones.
Published in Freethought of the Day
January 18, 1980

Niall Shanks

“Of God, the Devil and Darwin, we have really good scientific evidence for the existence of only Darwin.” 

Published in Freethought of the Day
January 07, 1980

Ralph Miliband

“The political climate in our house was generally and loosely left: it was unthinkable that a Jew, our sort of Jew, the artisan Jewish worker, self-employed, poor, Yiddish-speaking, unassimilated, non-religious, could be anything but socialistic.”

Published in Freethought of the Day